Sounds like your cat is quite territorial as hissing is their way of saying ';back off';. You said he's not particularly sociable. Usually guests go home at the end of the evening, so he can perhaps tolerate them by hiding until they leave. He may be wondering why your room mates brother is still there and is perhaps more hostile towards him because he feels he has outstayed his welcome.
Is your room mate's brother a big guy or does he have a loud voice. From a cat's perspective, humans look like giants, and as men are usually larger than women, some cats feel more intimidated by them. Does he have any pets of his own or wear a strong aftershave? Cats rely very heavily on their sense of smell and any new or unfamiliar scents can make them feel threatened or nervous. Try wiping a soft cloth, like a hankie over your cats cheeks and then rubbing the cloth over the room mate's brother's shoes, trousers etc. when he arrives home so that he will smell more familiar to your cat. He should also avoid eye contact with your cat and ignore him as best he can. Your cat will interpret this as non-threatening behaviour, which may help him relax.
Though it sounds gross to us, many cats are fascinated by bodily scents and will often investigate unwashed items of clothing. It's not unknown for cats to steal small items of clothing if they are attracted by the smell. Keeping the bedroom door closed may be the only way to stop him taking things. Your cat isn't the only feline clothes thief - check out the article below (lol).鈥?/a>
I'm stumped as to why he would put his toy mouse in the bed. Usually when they bring you ';presents';, it's because they like you. Maybe he feels that by leaving one ';his'; things (which has his scent all over it) in the bed, he's showing that it's an area of his territory and that he has a right to be there if he wants to.
Cats - I don't think we'll ever figure out all their mysterious ways :o)My cat doesnt like my house guest, what should I do?
Are you sure your pet is a CAT? :D
Lock him in your room until the brother leaves.
As far as the hissing and aggressive behavior goes, I'd put kitty in another room for the duration of the visit. The stealing and the mouse incident (sort of like the horse head in the Godfather), I find sort of amusing - wow, that is one conniving cat. Never heard of a cat going those lengths before.
please listen 2 ur cat he is trying 2 tell U SOMETHING. THIS GUEST IS NO GOOD BE CAUTIOUS OF THIS GUEST HE MAY BE DANGEROUS OF SOME SORT! my cat did the same thing to who i thought was a friend and found out my cat was right!!!! all that hissing was 4 a reason cus this girl tried to ruin my life and was horribly no good 2 me. your cat is trying 2 warn u now LISTEN!!!
Could your visitor have abused the cat while you were not looking? Cats and dogs will tell on people who abuse them. You just have to know what they are saying. If you can't get rid of the visitor, try to keep your cat in a safe place for now, like your room. He won't like it, but it may be better all the way around.
Animals can tell when someone doesn't like them. Maybe your cat just doesn't like males. My oldest cat hates males with the exception of my husband. I would suggest putting your cat in a separate room while he is staying with you. If you don't want to do that, spray your cat with a little bit of water and tell him no every time he hisses.
My cat doesn't like my house guest either...too bad its my boyfriend! We've been together for 5 years and only had the cat for 1 1/2 yrs. But the cat hates him! He loves me, I secretly think it is just hilarious! Sorry though I don't know what can help.
For the most part, animals are very territorial. He has accepted you, because of the ownership, and the roommate because they've been there for so long. Like people, there are only so many instances that the cat can handle. He/she has hit there breaking point. Now every stranger you bring into the picture will be treated like this. Any trauma the cat faces because of this, like petting or picking up the wrong way, will result in an inflamed temper against any and all strangers. Be careful.
Nothing worse than a miffed feline - get rid of your guests if you want peace and tranquility restored. Cats are the greatest. Sorry, I am with the cat on this one. You have to get permission from the cat first before you invite house guests.
Get a Dog.
Warm Regards
lol thats totally funny...ur cat seems cute...either keep ur cat in ur room while you have guests or deal with him messing around...i think its funny and i would totally crap up...i have a cat named Mooka and he always takes my husbands dirty boxers and puts them in the litter box...HAHAHAHHA
It seems like your cat feels his territory is being threatened and is going all out to claim items that he feels are his own.
Xander loves everybody, Izzy does not. If you aren't a member of my family you are not getting near my bedroom without getting attacked. And god forbid you make it to the bed. That's Izzy's place and he will pounce on you the second you sit down. Good luck, I haven't been able to get him to stop.
Keep the cat in a seperate room for now.
Hissing isn't being mean, it is a fear reaction. It is telling your guest to kindly keep his distance for the time being.
Something about your guest's smell (maybe another cat or dog on his clothing or the smell of chemicals in his detergent, it could be anything) or size or deep voice or anything else could be cause a fear reaction. The best thing for him to do is simply ignore the cat.
If he doesn't look at him, talk to him or approach him the cat should calm down.
The rest of the things, the stealing, etc. just sound amusing. I would just keep the door closed. Beds are where human scents are the most concentrated because we spend so much time in them. Since he is concerned about this new guest, maybe he brought something familiar to try and make the bed smell more normal. At least he didn't pee or poop there!
He sounds stressed by new people in the house as most cats are. As long as he isn't peeing or pooping anywhere outside his litter box I would just let him be.
Keep your cat in your bedroom.
Animals have a keen sense of behavior. Maybe the guy is shady or something. The cat has a plan here. Maybe jealous. Does he have his own socks to play with? Keep the doors closed where the dude, the brother not the cat stay. Good luck.
Tell your cat that if he doesn't like your company, then he can take his box of crap and go stay somewhere else for a while.
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