Tuesday, February 23, 2010

If someone was renting a guest house in your backyard and left the door open would you close it?

If you were renting out a guest house to someone and they were spending the night in their with the door open?

Would you feel nervous for their safety? Would you walk outside and shut the door?

What would you tell the person who was renting th guest house in your backyard who was leaving the door opened while staying there at night?If someone was renting a guest house in your backyard and left the door open would you close it?
i rent, and i do it all the time.

they like it.

they never mean to leave things unlocked.

If someone was renting a guest house in your backyard and left the door open would you close it?
If the guest house had no windows, it would be a fire hazard and I would be more worried if they were in there with the door shut. Who cares what their sleep habits are?
the guest house has no windows ... really ... insteresting ...

i would close the door. i would not want wild animals to get in and piss in there etc.

i would pop out a wall, and make a window

i would tell my tentant that he/she is not to leave the door open over night to the elements.
Seems odd. You should probably make sure that they are all right. Do you have renters insurance and a license. Protect yourself first make sure you aren't going to get sued.
You should not shut the door. That would be an envasion of ones privacy, although it seems to counter that same statement. Best to write a letter of concern. State the issues that you have.

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