Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My house guest is a pest. How do I deal with the remaining time?

My roommate and I met two guys online (they are friends) After talking on the phone for 2 months they decided to travel 1000 miles to spend a week with us. Problem is--I HATE MY GUY! What do I do with the remaining 6 days we're stuck together when he likes me?!My house guest is a pest. How do I deal with the remaining time?
You stay away from him and do something that you would find comfortable with.My house guest is a pest. How do I deal with the remaining time?
Say your ill.

Run to the bathroom and make lurging sounds (like Eurgh!!!)

Then say your throat is sore and make yourself really warm by straining yourself and tell him you have a tempreature.

And say its probably the flu, there has been a bug going round.
There's no reason you can't get to know him as a friend. You may dislike him beyond friendship and can tell him you'd rather just be friends, but at least you can both have a decent time the next few days.
Pretend you're sick. Rush into the bathroom and make heaving sounds. Say your whole body hurts. It's probably the flu and it's contagious.
Maybe get to know the real him..Maybe you wont hate him after all!!! Maybe tell him your not interested in him but maybe friends...
LoL oh mah goodnesss. That would stink :(

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